Thursday, 18 December 2014

HTML6 Overview

The Spec That Brings Us Freedom

Section 1 - Introduction

HTML5 was a great leap forward for web developers. It gave us all kinds of hip new tags like <header>, <nav> and <footer>. It also gave us slick new JavaScript APIs like drag and drop, localStorage, and geolocation. Still, however, there is a void that HTML5 has yet to fill and that void is truly semantic markup.
Imagine being able to mark something up the way you want to mark it up. Imagine changing <div id="wrapper"> to <wrapper> or a better example, making a calendar like:
        <month name="January">
        <!-- ...and so on -->
Even better yet, how about finally adding support for new types of media by simply changing the media type rather than having to come up with whole new tags for it like <img>, <embed>, <video>, <audio>, and so on? For example, wouldn't it be nice to just simply do: <html:media src="my-audio-file.aac" type="aac"> and let the browser deal with how to render it?
The web is moving towards a giant app store and we need to embrace it. The markup we use shouldn't work against us, it should work for us. This spec is to do just that. To finally break free of fatuous rules and standards and to give us, developers, total freedom to code as we please bringing the web a more semantic, clean, and human readable markup.
Now, without further adieu, let me introduce you to HTML6.

Section 2 - The Concept

HTML6 is conceptually HTML with XML like namespaces. If you don't know XML, or don't know what XML namespaces are they're basically a way to allow you to use the same tag without it conflicting with a different tag. You've probably actually seen one before in the XHTML DOCTYPE: xmlns:xhtml=""
In HTML6 we take advantage of this ingenious concept by giving us freedom to use whatever tag we want by the W3C reserving namespaces and not tags. The W3C would basically reserve the right to all namespaces, and each namespace they reserve will trigger a different HTML API.
So, what does this look like? Below is an example of a full HTML6 document. We'll go over each tag and attributes in the API section.
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <html:title>HTML6 Sample</html:title>
        <html:meta type="title" value="Page Title">
        <html:meta type="description" value="This is an example of HTML with namespaces">
        <html:link src="css/main.css" title="Main Styles" type="text/css">
        <html:link src="js/main.js" title="Main Script" type="text/javascript">
        <html:media type="image" src="images/logo.png">
        <html:a href="/cats">Cats</a>
        <html:a href="/dogs">Dogs</a>
        <html:a href="/rain">Rain</a>
        <h1>This is my main article head</h1>
        <h2>This is my sub head</h2>
        <h1>A cool video!</h1>
        <h2>Pay attetion to the media elements</h2>
        <html:media type="video" src="vids/funny-cat.mp4" autostart controls>
        <p>Man, that was a stupid cat.</p>
        <copyright>This site is &copy; to Oscar Godson 2009</copyright>
As you'll see, there are some weird <html:x> tags throughout this sample. Those are the namespaced elements that belong to the W3C and HTML6 spec. These elements trigger browser events. For example, the <html:media type="image"> element will make an image appear or, the <html:title> element makes the title bar of the browser change and so on.
All those other elements are just for you. None of those elements mean anything to the browser. They're simply hooks for CSS and JS and to make your code more semantic. The HTML elements you see in there like <p> or the <h1> tags are just because I like using those as ways to markup paragraphs or the most important header, but I could have used <paragraph>, <text>, or <helloworldanythingiwant>.
It's whatever makes sense to you and your application.

Section 3 - The APIs

Section 3A - HTML API

All of the following tags in this API have the namespace html like: <html:title>
This begins a HTML document. Equivelent to the current <html> tag.
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <!-- rest of HTML would go here -->
This begins an HTML's head. Equivelent to the current <html> tag. The tag contains data that isn't actually displayed (aside from the <html:title> which is displayed in the browser's windows). Rather, it's purpose is to get data and scripts that affect the display of the content in the <html:body>. These scripts and other sources include things like JavaScript, CSS, RSS feeds, etc.
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <!-- Head content here, like the <html:title> tag -->
This is the title of the HTML document. Equivalent to the current <title> tag. Browsers will use this for the tab bar, favorites, etc. and search engines will use this as the title of their links
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <html:title>HTML6 Spec Version 0.1</html:title>
This is a bit different then the current HTML version. Meta data in HTML6 can be anything. Unlike HTML now, there are no required or non-standard meta types. It's used to store content for you as a developer, or for other sites as a way to grab information such as a page description.
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <html:title>HTML6 Spec Version 0.1</html:title>
        <html:meta type="description" value="This is an example of HTML with namespaces">
This links external documents and scripts such as CSS, JavaScript, RSS, favicons, etc. to the current document. Equivalent to the current <link> tag. This tag takes the following attributes:
  • charset: The character encoding such as "UTF-8".
  • href: The link to the source file.
  • media: The type of device the item should run on, for example, "mobile" or "tablet".
  • type: The MIME type of the document, for example, text/javascript.
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <html:title>HTML6 Spec Version 0.1</html:title>
        <html:link src="js/main.js" title="Main Script" type="text/javascript">
This is the body of the HTML document. Equivalent to the current <body> tag. This is where you'd place most of the stuff that would be visible to the users like text, media, and so on.
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <html:title>HTML6 Spec Version 0.1</html:title>
        <!-- Your web page's content would go here -->
This tag represents either an anchor on the page, or a link to another web page. Equivalent to the current <a> tag. The <html:a> tag takes one required attribute which is the href which directs the anchor or link where to go. For an anchor you'd use the syntax #id-of-element-to-link-to and for a link to another web page you'd simply insert the link like
Attributes available to the <a> tag are:
  • href
  • name
  • target (can be blank, parent, top or self)
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <html:title>HTML6 Spec Version 0.1</html:title>
        <html:a href="">Go to!</html:a>
Similar to <button> or <input type="button"> in HTML<=5, the <html:button> tag allows you to create a button for user interaction on a page.
Attributes available to the <html:button> tag are:
  • disabled
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <html:title>HTML6 Spec Version 0.1</html:title>
        <html:button>Push me!</html:button>
This tag encapsulates what we now have for media which are tags like <img>, <video>, <audio>, <embed>, and so on. Instead of a tag for each file type, the browser will just know how to run it by the type attribute, or will make a guess based on the file extension, or lastly, by the MIME type.
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <html:title>HTML6 Spec Version 0.1</html:title>
        <!-- Image -->
        <html:media src="images/logo.jpg" type="image">
        <!-- Video, shows you don't "need" a type -->
        <html:media src="videos/">
        <!-- Some made up format, browser will ignore if it doesn't know it -->
        <html:media src="misc/" type="abc">

Section 3B - HTML Forms API

HTML Forms are separate from the HTML API to allow development on forms to not have to slow down for the entire HTML spec. Forms are constantly evolving with Sliders, color pickers, date and time pickers, progress bars and more. Forms really are sort of their own "thing" in HTML, so in HTML6 we've broken them into their own API.
This tag creates a new form. Has two attributes, method and action. As with current HTML forms, method can be POST or GET (they can be lowercase too) and will send the form with that as the HTTP header. More details on GET and POST can be found at The action attribute tells the form where to send the data. By default the "method" is set to GET and the "action" is the current page.
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <html:title>HTML6 Spec Version 0.1</html:title>
        <form:form method="post" action="/sendmail">
        <!-- Form inputs and stuff go here -->
This tag creates a new form input. Any type of form input that you can enter text into would be an input. In HTML currently this includes everything from a plain old text input to a <textarea> and would also include HTML5 style for inputs like email and url. The full list of possible input types are:
  • text
  • email
  • url
  • tel
  • search
  • number
  • datetime
  • date
  • month
  • week
  • time
  • datetime-local
  • textarea
  • password
  • file - (multiple)
The possible attributes on an input are:
  • name
  • disabled
  • readonly
  • placeholder
  • autofocus
  • required
  • novalidate
The following are attributes that will work on any input except file inputs:
  • maxlength
  • autocomplete
  • pattern
  • spellcheck
  • match - This is new to HTML6, give it a name of a field you want it to require a match on.
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <html:title>HTML6 Spec Version 0.1</html:title>
        <form:form method="post" action="/sendmail">
        <!-- Simple input (defaults to text) -->
        <!--  A new HTML6 match example -->
        <form:input type="password" name="user_password">
        <form:input type="password" match="user_password">
        <!-- Advanced example -->
        <form:input type="email" placeholder="" autofocus required>
The <form:select> tag lets a user select from options rather than input anything. For example an HTML<=5 <select> would be close to the same. Some others would be a calendar, color picker, and range because these are predefined values in which you choose from.
The possible input types follow along with attributes that are specific to it:
  • select - (multiple)
  • color
  • calendar - (range)
  • meter - (range, step)
Attributes that work for all select types are:
  • name
  • readonly
  • disabled
  • required
  • autofocus
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <html:title>HTML6 Spec Version 0.1</html:title>
        <form:form method="post" action="/scheduler">
        <!-- Normal select -->
        <html:select type="select" name="favorite_color">
        <!-- Calendar example -->
        <html:select type="calendar" name="the_calendar" range="10/10/10-10/10/11">
The <form:status> tag allows you to give feedback, or a "status" update to your users. Useful for an upload progress bar or steps in a multi-page form, for example. These are similar to the <progress> and <meter> elements in HTML5.
  • progress
  • meter
Attributes that work for all status types are:
  • min
  • max
  • value
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <html:title>HTML6 Spec Version 0.1</html:title>
        <form:form method="post" action="/upload">
        <!-- Example showing "steps" in a form -->
        <form:status type="meter" min="1" max="3" value="2">
        <message>You're currently on step 2 of 3</message>
        <!-- Example showing an upload progress bar -->
        <form:status type="progress" max="100" value="25">
The <form:label> tag allows you to label inputs for the user. It links text to an input and when click will focus on the connected input. It matches the label's for attribute to the id of any form element.
Attributes that work for the <form:label> tag are:
  • for
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <html:title>HTML6 Spec Version 0.1</html:title>
        <form:form method="post" action="/login">
        <form:label for="username">Username</form:label>
        <form:input id="username" name="username">
        <form:label for="password">Password</form:label>
        <form:input id="password" name="password" type="password">
Just like <input type="submit"> in HTML<=5, <form:submit> will create a button which submits your form. If a submit button is present in a form, pressing enter while focused inside of a form will submit it.
Attributes that work for the <form:submit> tag are:
  • name
  • value
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <html:title>HTML6 Spec Version 0.1</html:title>
        <form:form method="post" action="/login">
        <form:input name="username">
        <form:input name="password" type="password">
        <form:submit name="submit" value="submit">

Section 4 - Tag types

In HTML6, like in all previous HTML versions, there are two types of tags: single tags and double tags. Single tags can't have any text content, they only have attributes. This is an example of single tag (both elements are interpreted the same way):
<html:meta type="author" content="m93a">
<html:meta type="author" content="m93a" />
Unlike the double tag, the single tag doesn't need to be closed. Double tags usually have some text content so they are made of an opening and closing tag. If it has no text content, it can be shortened to the self-closing single variant. Examples:
<html:link href="./a.html">Text content</html:link>
<!-- This shortand... -->
<foo class="bar" />
<!-- ...means in fact this: -->
<foo class="bar"></foo>

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Configure Cross platform Apps in Visual Studio 2013

Hello Friends,

I have published a post on open Source of DotNet Core.
Today I going to show you how to configure the Cross Platform Apps in Visual Studio 2013. It's too easy to configure. just follow the setup..


1) Visual Studio 2013 Update 4
2) Android SDK or just download it when install the CTP3.0 (download link CTP3.0)

After installing the CTP3.0 then just follow the steps to create the cordova based application for iOS, Android and Wndows

Create a New Project Under TypeScript => Apache Cordova Apps

Your Solution Files where you can write your own code

Configure your Android SDK if you want to use a different SDK. (otherwise not required to configure)

or You can also watch the Video tutorial How this work for more details.

You can visit the below url to get more video tutorials

Thank You
Abhishek Bendre

Friday, 14 November 2014

DotNet Core is now Open Source

Hello Friends,

Good News for all the .Net Developers. Microsoft has announced the .Net Core is now Open Source Including the Runtime as well as the Framework Libraries.

This is a natural progression of open source efforts, which already covers the managed compilers (C#, VB, and F#) as well as ASP.NET:

  • C# & Visual Basic ("Roslyn")
  • Visual F# Tools
  • ASP.NET 5
  • Entity Framework

This takes it to the next level by extending it to the .NET runtime and the core framework.

  • .NET Core Framework 

What is .NET Core?

.NET Core is a modular development stack that is the foundation of all future .NET platforms It’s already used by ASP.NET Core 5 and NET Native I’ll go into more detail on what NET Core is and how it relates to the NET Framework in a following blog post.

Why do we open source .NET Core?

There are two big reasons why we decided to open source .NET Core:

  • Lay the foundation for a cross platform .NET

Lay the foundation for a cross platform .NET

As a .NET developer you were able to build & run code on more than just Windows for a while now, including Linux, MacOS, iOS App Tutorial and Android Tutorial.

The challenge is that the Windows implementation has one code base while Mono has a complete separate code base. The Mono community was essentially forced to re-implement .NET because no open source implementation was available. Sure, the source code was available since Rotor but we didn’t use an OSI approved open source license, which made Rotor a non-starter. Customers have reported various mismatches, which are hard to fix because neither side can look at the code of the other side. This also results in a lot of duplicated work in areas that aren’t actually platform specific. A recent example is immutable collections.

The best way to build a cross-platform stack is to build a single stack, in a collaborative manner. And the best way to do exactly that is by open sourcing it.

From development tools to middleware frameworks and runtime, see what's possible with HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS, alongside the open source project Apache Cordova and with Visual Studio integration. Explore lots of cool technologies, including Cordova, Coco Games, Babylon.js, and more. Check out this informative event!

From Web To Apps

See what Visual Studio and Microsoft have to offer you, from native JavaScript support for Windows apps dev, to the integration of Apache Cordova (a.k.a. PhoneGap Tutorial) into Visual Studio.

Windows Web Apps + WAT

Learn how you can easily integrate your existing website into the Windows applications experience, adding functionalities, such as live tiles, app bar, and more. Consider delivering an experience similar to a local application, WAT (Web App Template)

Apache Cordova & Visual Studio

Get an intro to Apache Cordova and how to use it to build hybrid cross-platform apps. See how Cordova/PhoneGap developers can use familiar command line tools to build apps based on the same web code for Android, iOS, Windows Store, and Windows Phone

Javascript Compatibility

Learn about the contextual differences between running code in a website, in a Cordova app for iOS or Android, and in a Cordova app for Windows Store and Windows Phone


Explore what WinJS has to offer for building apps and websites for various browsers and mobile devices. WinJS is now fully open source and works across platforms.

3D Graphics

Get creative, and deliver a great user experience. Find out what works across existing platforms and how you can leverage libraries, such as Babylon.js, to build a great 3D experience that works on all popular platforms. Using 3D accelerated graphics with HTML5/WebGL across devices

For More Video Tutorial please follow

Thank You
Abhishek Bendre

Saturday, 8 November 2014

In-App Payments Structure for Apple and Google

Hello Friends,

Today, I am going to tell the real facts of "In-App" and "In an App" Payments.
Suppose I am building an app for the iPhone, iPad or Android App then Apple or Google say they have 30% share on each purchase?

The Answer is : The 30% charge only applies to what Apple and Google call ‘In-app’ payments.

Now just describing this, If I am selling something that are delivered and consumed withing the application then you can qualify for what called Apple and Google In-App payments. They can process these transactions for you with a 30% transaction fees.

If you are selling something that are consumed across multiple devices or if users can purchase the same from outside of the app then you are in grey area that may or may not qualify for the In-App payments.

This Post will help you to understand in which situation the In-App payments are applicable for you business or App

What is an In-App Payment for Apple and Google?

In-app payments is the way Apple and Google describe the purchasing of digital goods and services using their own product-listing and checkout systems.

To accept an In-app payment you first need to list your products within Apple and Google’s software – in iTunes Connect and the Developer Console respectively.

When users wish to purchase the products you have listed, the checkout will then be handled exclusively by Apple or Google, for which they charge 30% of the revenue as a fee.

What can I sell with In-App payment in Apple and Google?

Apple and Google impose strict classifications on what products can be used for In-app payment. Whilst some scenarios are not so clear cut, In-app payments must adhere to the following:

1. In-app payments cannot be shared across applications.

Product Purchased via Used in In-app payment? Reason
Real world poker chip My app Real World Casino No Real world goods
Virtual poker chip used within a single app My app My app Yes Delivered and consumed within the app
Virtual poker chips used within multiple apps My App Multiple apps No Goods shared across multiple applications

2. In-app payments must be delivered within the app.

If I make a payment in an app to read news articles accessible via the Android or iOS app, this can qualify as an In-app payment. However, if I make a payment in an app or on a website to read news articles via the app and the website, this cannot be an In-app payment.

Product Purchased via Used in In-app payment? Reason
News articles My app My app Yes Delivered and consumed within the app
News articles My app My app and web browser No Goods are not delivered within the app
News articles Website My app and web browser No Goods are not delivered within the app
Physical newspaper with additional in-app content My app Real world and my app No Real world goods

3. In-app payments must be available across all the user’s registered devices.

Apple require that ‘you must make your In-app purchase item available to all of the devices registered to a user.’

For example, if I make a payment in an app on my iPhone for a TV streaming service that I can also access on my iPad this can qualify as an In-app payment. But if I can only access that service via the purchasing device – my iPhone – this cannot be an In-app payment.

Product Purchased via Used in In-app payment? Reason
TV streaming service My iPhone app My app on iPhone and iPad Yes Available across registered devices
TV streaming service My iPhone app My iPhone app No Not available across registered devices

What’s the alternative to an In-app payment?

Here’s where it gets confusing. Technically an ‘In-app’ payment is still a payment ‘in an app,’ so it’s useful to think of other payments as ‘gateway payments.’ This term can be applied to any payment that is not processed by Google or Apple.

A ‘gateway payment’ can include: a re-direct to a card entry screen; asking your users to log into Paypal; or a payment screen integrated into your app that communicates with a third-party like judo.
Unlike ‘In-app’ payments, there are no uniform transaction fees or product restrictions to ‘gateway payments.’ It’s a varied and competitive field with different payment processors offering different strengths that may or may not suit your business.

So remember, an In-app payment is an ‘In-Apple’ or ‘In-Android’ payment used for digital goods that are delivered within the app.

To offer an In-app payment you have to list your inventory with Apple or Android, who then take care of the whole payment process for you.

Gateway payments are much less rigid and encompass a wide variety of markets and business models, with varying transaction fees and product restrictions. If anyone other than Apple or Android are processing your payments, it’s a Gateway payment.

There are some business models that don’t seem to fall into a clear payments boundary. If you’re still unsure whether or not In-app payments are right for you, get in touch so we can help you decide.

Learn How to develop an iOS and Android Application by watching videos for Free

Thank You
Abhishek Bendre

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Objective C Code Building Blocks

Hello Friends,

Today I am going to show you how the Objective C programs can be written in a single file.

Before we study Advance building blocks of the Objective-C programming language, let us look a the minimum Objective-C program structure means We are going to create a full Objective Orientated Example with in a single file.

Basic Parts of the Objective C Programming Language:

  • Preprocessor Commands
  • Interface
  • Implementation
  • Method
  • Variables
  • Statements & Expressions
  • Comments

Create you Command Line Project under the Foundation and you will get the main.m file to code. Copy this following code into file.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

/* First Section of .h file (Header ) */
@interface FirstClass:NSObject
- (void)showMethod;

/* Second Section of .m file (Implementation) */
@implementation FirstClass

- (void)showMethod{
   NSLog(@"This is the single file Example of Objective C! \n");


/* Main method which starts the execution */
int main()
   /* Create an Instance of the FirstClass to access its method */
   FirstClass *firstClass = [[FirstClass alloc]init];

  /* Calling the showMethod using Class Instance */
   [firstClass showMethod];
   return 0;

Let's understand the above code structure

1. The first line of the program "#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>" is a preprocessor command, which tells a Objective-C compiler to include Foundation.h file before going to actual compilation. just like the stdio.h in C Programming language it's a basic library for Objective C language compilation.

2. The next line "@interface FirstClass:NSObject" shows how to create an interface. It inherits NSObject builtIn Class, which is the base class of all objects.

3. The next line "- (void)showMethod;" shows how to declare a method. Here we have to just declare the method and after that we will implement it in other section.

4. The next line "@end" marks the end of an interface.

5. The next line "@implementation FirstClass" shows how to implement the interface FirstClass.

6. The next line "- (void)showMethod{}" shows the implementation of the showMethod.

7. The next line "@end" marks the end of an implementation.

8. The next line "int main()" is the main function where program execution begins just like any other programming language.

9. The next line "/*...*/" will be ignored by the compiler and it has been put to add additional comments in the program. So such lines are called comments in the programs.

10. The next line "NSLog(...)" is another function available in Objective-C which causes the message "This is the single file Example of Objective C!" to be displayed on the screen.

11. The next line "return 0;" terminates main()function and returns the value 0.

I hope you guyes have understood this basic structure of the Objective C programming language. This language is devided into three parts according to the code.

1) Interface File also called the Header file with the extension of .h
2) Implementation file with the extension of .m
3) The main method with the extension of .m file

Video Tutorial

For More Detail you can find the lates information on below url.

Thank You
Abhishek Bendre

Objective-C Introduction

Hello Friends,

Today I am going to show you How to make iOS App by using Objective C Programming Language.


Objective-C is a object-oriented programming language that adds Smalltalk-style messaging to the C programming language. This is the main programming language used by Apple for the OS X and iOS operating systems and their respective APIs, Cocoa and Cocoa Touch till now but now apple has release a new programming lanaguage called SWIFT Programming language but the good news is that both language will support in xCode 6. You can use any language from this two.

This Blog will help you to learn the Objective C language.

Before starting I am hoping that you knows the fundamentals about the computer programs and what is computer programming language?

Compile/Execute Objective-C Programs

In this tutorial all the examples are tested you just need to copy this code and paste it into the xCode and just hit the run button you will see the output.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main()
   /* First Programming using Objective C */
   NSLog(@"Welcome to the World of iOS Application! \n");
   return 0;

Video Tutorial

Thank You

For More Details You can visit

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Native Android Application Development Tutorial Series

Hellow Friends,

Today We are going to release the new Tutorial Series for Android.  Here is the details of the link where you can see the videos.

Link of platlist:

For More Details You can visit the below link

Thank You
Abhishek Bendre

Friday, 12 September 2014

Learn iOS and Android App Development for Free

Hello Friends,

With the increased usage of smart phones and the hardware goes into the mobile, now dual core processor mobile are in the market, demand for sophisticated apps(applications) is growing now than before. So is the necessity of Free courses on app development for both the leading mobile platforms iOS and Android.

Now it very easy to learn App Development on world s most popular operating system. You just need to watch the video and follow the steps to complete the Demo App.

Using the below url you can learn fundamental as well as the Advance programming in iOS, Android, ASP.NET and jQuery etc..

For more details you can visit the following details

WebSite :
Youtube Channel :
PhoneGap Video Tutorial :
ASP.NET Video Tutorial :
C# Video Tutorial :
iOS Video Tutorial :
Custom jqGrid Video Tutorial :

Thank You
Abhishek Bendre

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Integration of jQueryMobile in Phonegap.

Hello Friends,

Today We are going to see how we can integrate the jQuery Mobile in Phonegap whether it can be in iOS or Android or Windows.

The below video will tell you the integration in Android.

For more video tutorial you can visiti
Know about us

Thank You
Abhishek Bendre

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Learn PHP by watching this Video Tutorials.

Hello Friends,

For More Video Tutorial You can visit.
Our WebSite

Today, I will not explain anything in this blog. I will show you how you can learn the PHP by watching video.
These series will show you step by step learning of PHP. So guies be ready to learn and explore the PHP

Video Tutorial for PHP

Thank you guies for watching let me know your review. and you can also shaire any question and suggestion regarding the technologies wether it's on PHP, DotNet, Javascript, Android, iOS etc.

Thank You
Abhishek B. Bendre 

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Apple’s New Coding Language, Swift

Hello Friends,

For more video tutorial please visit
Visit our WebSite

Here, In this Article I would like to share some new information with you. Apple has release it's new programming language called "Swift".  Lets talk about this language.

Apple’s new Swift programming language could spark interest among younger and less-experienced developers in creating apps for Apple devices.

Apple triggered much buzz among computer enthusiasts when they released Swift, a new programming language to create iOS and Mac OS X apps. The new language is designed to be modern, fast, and easier to learn than the code commonly used today.

The popularity of dynamic and user-friendly programming languages, like Python and Ruby, has grown throughout the developer community in recent years. Swift is estimated to be another step in that direction. Swift is the successor to Apple’s Objective-C, which is what, is currently used to create Mac apps. The new language includes full support of Cocoa and Cocoa touch (the frameworks for iPhone apps and Mac OS X apps, respectively) so apps can be designed for iPhone, Mac computers, and iPads. Apple has been using Objective-C for 20 years, but a company representative stated that it is starting to show its age.

Apple stated that Swift is designed primarily for safety, improving memory corruption bugs caused by multi-threaded coding. Some of those who have experimented with the new code say that it is much easier to read. The computer company said that named parameters are expressed in a cleaner syntax that makes APIs in Swift simpler to maintain and read. Swift has a collection of new features that include generics, functional programming parameters, structures to support methods/extensions/protocols, tuples and multiple return values, and closures unified with function pointers.

Swift, as its name would suggest, is built to be fast. By utilizing the optimized LLVM compiler, Swift code is translated into streamlined native code that gets the most out of modern iPad, iPhone, and Mac hardware. The syntax of the code is designed to be an obvious representation of what you want it perform. The code provides object-oriented features like classes, methods/protocols, and generics. Swift includes a Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL) to optimize debugging within a program. While the app is running, developers can evaluate and interact with it, and write new code to see how it works within a script-like environment. Swift is available for learning and use today. Those who want to test the new code simply need to download the Xcode 6 beta.

Apple created the code after extensively researching what developers like, or more importantly, do not like about current programming languages. According to Apple, Swift is the modern programming language for the modern developer. Swift uses the same LLVM compiler that Objective-C currently uses, so programmers can run Swift, Objective-C, and C code, all in the same program.

Swift also has a new feature called Playgrounds, which provide users with live feedback as they code, making it possible to test exactly what is going to happen inside an application. Playgrounds also give complete control of time inside a program so users can see what their code is doing moment by moment. Apple has made a guidebook available to developers on iBooks for Swift, and they will be able to submit applications created by the newly developed language on the day that the computer manufacturer launches OS X Yosemite and iOS 8.

Faster apps

Swift code is fast to execute. Apple says it can be 75% faster than Objective-C, the main programming language used by Apple since the early 90′s. This could allow developers to create more complex, graphically rich apps.

Easier for beginners

Objective-C is notorious for its complexity. Swift has a far simpler syntax, which should make it much easier to learn. By no means does Swift open the door to those with no programming experience—but it could significantly lower the bar for aspiring app developers.
Easier for experts, too

It’s not just beginners who may benefit from Swift’s simplifications. Since Apple has cherry-picked features from other languages, it’s more familiar to seasoned developers, potentially opening the talent pool of app developers.

Fewer bugs

Swift is designed to catch coding errors before they can make it into the final product. This should increase developer productivity, and make more stable apps.

Interactive code editing

Swift comes with ‘Playgrounds,’ an interactive sandbox which provides a graphical preview of how code will work without the need to compile an entire application first.

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Abhishek Bendre

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Comparison of Phonegap vs. Native Application in Depth.

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Hi, My this blog is about making a small comparison between PhoneGap & Native Mobile Application platform (Android, iPhone etc). Nowadays, its about a hot topic in the mobile application development that which is better to go and pretend for the application?

After making my experience in Phonegap & Android, I'm now able to make a small comparison based over my own points. I'm going to compare PhoneGap with Android Native features based application.


As jumping into the topic, the first similar thing is both are opensource! yes! PhoneGap is provided by Nitobi based over the Adobe. And who is behind the scene of Android? That's Google. Google is playing a base role towards the back structure of Android. Focusing over the market trend, developers are focus and in search to find that what is better for their next mobile application? Cross Mobile Application or Native App?

Wait, don't be confused. Now, you'll be thinking that we were talking about PhoneGap & Android then what is this? So, just a basic intro about both for the non-technical ones is that


Application that is coded ones and able to run multiple platforms of smart device is Cross Mobile Applicaiton.

Application that can just work on the hierarchy based environment that used to create the application for a particular platform is called Native Application.

So, PhoneGap is Cross Mobile Application. You may code once and use that on 6 different platforms / Mobile Operating Systems (Conditions Exists). However, we took here Android as Native so this application would just work over the Android platform. You can make a comparison with iPhone too because our cause to make a difference is over hierarchical structure.

Working Style

Coming to first comparison, how both works? I'm gonna make article simple so can the newbies and non-technicals of Mobile Application can also understand this. Native Android Application works directly with DVM (Dalvik Virtual Machine) which means that whatever you code, it would be directly compiled into the machine compiler code that can be understanded by Java Machine to perform appropriate task. DVM works on Kernal that means that the base Operating System of DVM is similar to Linux. Can call Mobile Linux too. The core language that is needed behind the scene is Java. Android Application Development is based on Java and uses Android Library packages.

Phonegap is having a long procedure here. First, we make our application with frontend development tool skills. For example, HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc. Even thought, the PhoneGap (Cross Mobile Application) is totally working over these. It means that you need the knowledge of it. PhoneGap made a one thing easy by adding these tools. Now, your web designer / UI Designer / FrontEnd Developer guy can easy start working on the application. It doesn't require the knowledge of Java. However, the phonegap application is treated as WebView inside the application structure. There is another thing behind it, If you go with native android, you just need java & android library to go through your core functionalities. However, PhoneGap requires any base programming language behind the scene. Similarly, if you want to develop and application on phonegap, you need to have Android / iPhone / Blackberry etc development environment that treats the application in its webview. Because, this is like a website but working internally with compiled form over webview so, we can't call it Web Application. Its Hybrid Application.So, PhoneGap pushes its webviews in core language (we have android as topic so android) and then android starts work now as going to DVM then DVM push it to Java Virtual Machine. Sounds weird? Yes it.  So, here by complexity and enhancement, Android Wins.

Coming to coding structure, so HTML, CSS , JavaScript is more easy in understanding then Native Java Programming language. So, ofcourse, you're fimilar with your technologies then its possible now for you to create your app. PhoneGap Wins.

Can I access mobile native features from Cross Mobile Application platform (PhoneGap etc) ? Yes you can. You can easily access to the native features as they provided the API that links you with the native code. There are a lot of things that we can only do in native application, but PhoneGap solved this problem by providing the PLUGIN functionality. You can create your own Java Coded plugin that can be used in your DOM (Document Object Model). Easy? Yes it. However, there are many basic & commonly used functionalities that are already provided by phonegap & then by opensource platforms. So, its a rare case that you need to make a plugin (depends upon requirement). So, meaning while, both provides ability to access core functionalities. Both are equal.

Development Time

How much development time is required behind the scene? As according to the overall survey, Phonegap takes less time then Native Mobile Applicaiton. The time you require 3months for creating native app will be just completed with the target time of 1month. Means, less cost, less time, good with Time Management & easy to go through the help. PhoneGap wins.

App Speed Comparison

What about the native speed comparison? Which application would perform faster performance with native features? Android. Why? Because, it doesn't need to take the application as hybrid. Just pass out the code to DVM & then DVM knows better from there. Take an example, if you want to get all the list of files form your SD card, then as my experience, PhoneGap will take 13seconds or more to get. However, Native Android Application will do this in just less then 4seconds. What's great? Ofcourse. Android wins.

 What about the resources available in the market for the development purpose (means developers)? If you want to go through the Cross Mobile Application (PhoneGap), then you've lot and lot of resources for this. because, the person who makes the HTML / CSS of the html templating can just start working here with looking a while on Client Side Scripting. However, Java developers or other programmers are not enough as comparing to them. Even though, the programmer is too much experience then the UI / UX Developer. PhoneGap wins.


What about pricing? Any good comparison for it? Yes. There is a difference of both of the cost of development. Keep in mind that phonegap makes it easy to run a simple application on different platforms ( 6 OS right now when writing article) and native just support the appropriate. So, I got to research and got this link Average Cost Estimation. It states that right now,

Level of Application
Native App (Android)
Cross Mobile (PhoneGap)
Small Level Application
20-37.000 euro
15-25.000 euro
Medium Level Application
58.000 euro
40.000 euro
Enterprise Application
60.000+ euro
100.000+ euro

Here again, by basing the quotes & pricing, PhoneGaps makes the good revenue & it is expensive then the android application development. PhoneGap wins (for Organizations) - Android Wins (For Customers)

Personally, making out of bound from price & estimating overall with hierarchy, Architecture & stability, for a small size of application that just need to show up the content and doesn't require to use native component, (GO WITH PHONEGAP). If you're going to make medium level application, it depends upon the requirement and the structure of reliability that you're looking for, we can't commit estimation but again will prefer (GO WITH PHONEGAP). However, if application is based over Enterprise Architecture and so many native component usage with strong data structure handling and a lot of depth, then don't go over relying on a Hybrid Applications, its a road to native so (GO WITH ANDROID).

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Thank You
Abhishek Bendre

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Sending Apple Push Notifications in ASP.NET and C# (APNS Certificates Registration on Windows)

Hello Friends,

This Post will focus on How we can send an Apple Push Notification using ASP.NET and C#.

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Before start, we need some certificate so please get all required certificates.
1) PushNotification.cer (Download from Apple Account)
2) PushNotification.p12 (Exported from Apple Key Chain) 

The certificates will get one from Apple Account and other from KeyChain Access of you MAC System.

Open Microsoft Management Console

To do this press Windows + R keys at the same time to open Run. Type ‘mmc’ and press enter.

This should open Following window on your screen:

Add Certificates Snap-in to your console

Click on file and select Add/Remove snap-in from menu. This will open a new window with a list of available snap-ins on the left .
Select Certificates form list on the left and hit Add button. 
Select Computer Account form the next prompt, Local computer form next one and click on finish. Your Add snap-in window should look like this:

And when you click ok button you will see :

Certificate installation

Click on Certificates(local Computer) to expand the list. Right click on personal, then select all tasks and click on import. This will open Certificate import wizard.

Click on next ,and select your .cer file in next step. In next step select second option to place all certificates in Personal store.

Press finish and you should see a confirmation message about successful installation on Certificate.

Repeat above step to import your .P12 file, now Expand Personal on left side and click on certificates. You should be able to see your certificate in right panel. If your .p12 is password protected , you need to enter the password in the wizard.

Repeat all import process to import your certificate and .p12 files to "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" Section.

Now you have imported required certificates to sign your APNS messages to Apple push notification server.

Now Import both the certification in Trusted Root Certificate Authority

That’s done for extra work Now just to Coding side.

Now, We have some Library to send Apple Push Notification on Device.
So, You can download that Library from this Link:

or You can go for Google with Mono-APN. You will get these files.

You have to please your Device Code, Message, Badge No, any Audio file name which is alredy available in iOS app.

Before build this C# Application you have to paste the Certification.p12 file in the bin/Debug directory after that you can send the Apple Push Notification to your device.

That's it. Now, you can run this application and within a movement you will get the nice Apple Push Notification on your own device.

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Thank You
Abhishek Bendre